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    [ new DiscountItems({ include: { collection_includes: "mega-50" },regular_priced_only: false, discount: new PercentageDiscount(50),message: "50% DE RABAIS!", display_messaging: true, calculate_price: true, stack: false, type: "MEGA-50", colors: { background: "#ffffff", text: "#c90000" }, }), new DiscountItems({ include: { collection_includes: "mega-60" },regular_priced_only: false, discount: new PercentageDiscount(60),message: "60% DE RABAIS!", display_messaging: true, calculate_price: true, stack: false, type: "MEGA-60", colors: { background: "#ffffff", text: "#c90000" }, }), new DiscountItems({ include: { collection_includes: "mega-70" },regular_priced_only: false, discount: new PercentageDiscount(70),message: "70% DE RABAIS!", display_messaging: true, calculate_price: true, stack: false, type: "MEGA-70", colors: { background: "#ffffff", text: "#c90000" }, }), new DiscountItems({ include: { collection_includes: "5-50-bf-2025" },regular_priced_only: false, discount: new 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